the Bachlers

the Bachlers
December 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Alone in RS & photos

My wonderful RS counselors and secretary found a way to help me appreciate them all the more. They all left town and I was the lone leader sitting in the front of the RS sisters today. So no Sunday School for me. I was handing out announcements, answering questions in the hallway, finding someone with keys to our closet, and setting up the class room. I knew I would be alone, so I at least read the lesson last night just in case the teacher didn't show up for some odd reason. (She was there and did a fantastic job as usual. Thanks Cammy!) So who came to visit our RS today UNannounced?! You guessed it . . . our Stake RS Pres and her secretary! Good thing I feel very comfortable with them, and good thing they really like our ward. I'm sure I'll find an appropriate way to repay my friends Boedee, Kendra and Lisa. Let's see. Have I mentioned that I may be out of town the first Sunday in September?

For those of you who don't live here, I recently cut my hair. I have had a lot of complements, and I love it! It pays to have a great neighbor who knows how to whip those scissors around. Thanks Cherity!

Here are some cute photos of Aly.

Who can pass up a pic of the bath time bubble goatee?

Aly and I have been swimming a lot this summer. Probably should have spent more time potty training.
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Which Disney Princess are you?

You Are Pocahantas!
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Free-spirited and wise. You have a strong passionate spirit that touches and changes all who know you. The wisdom and common sense that you have is really what guides you through life. Even so, you also have a very playful side that loves adventure and excitement. (I think I know a few of you that may believe this, but I'm not sure . . . .)

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Monday, July 7, 2008


Finally it got dark enough and Aly was ready to go outside with everyone to enjoy the fireworks display. The sparklers were brought out first. Aly was enjoying them, but then must have gotten spooked.


She wanted to go inside the house, but I convinced her that the steps on the front porch were safe enough. Of course she actually sat in my lap through most of it. This was a rare moment when I was able to peal myself away to snap a shot of her.

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Petting Zoo on the way

On our way up to Logan we needed to kill some time. We ended up at a place with a small petting zoo. Aly would have stayed on the horse all day if we had had the time. Along with the horse, she loved the goats, geese, and pigs.




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Getting Ready for the trip

We spent our Fourth of July with the Bachler family.
So you would think that getting ready for the trip would be easy.
Not with an active two year old.
She took daddy's shoes & socks out of the garment bag and tried them on.
Kinda slowed down our packing process, but sure made a cute photo.
Then during the drive to be with family, we stopped at a McDonald's for a much
needed break from the car seat.
Aly's head is sticking out where you would
normally toss in a ball. She has climbed into the hole at the bottom and
wormed her way up on the pegs to peek out of the opening.
(Make sense?)

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